Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Student's Thoughts..

Recent generations have grown up with superheroes and stars on the big screen. Action figures, comic books, and television have allowed children to find and explore these characters. But now…. We call them idols. They aren’t stars or superheroes anymore. We don’t ask children who their role model is. We ask them who their idol is. I have a serious problem with this. I suppose for the extreme fan the word idol has hit the nail on the head. I don’t see anything special with any “idol”. They are just people like everyone else. I would never want my child to fall into this trap of finding an “idol”. We build up all these people and for what? You can be the biggest fan and your idol will never know who you are, much less care. So why do we search out idols to worship? God is the one who is right there, He never leaves us, and yet we search for other things like He is not enough. But He is more than enough, He is all that we need. People can say they don’t worship them, but they do. It may not be worship like a person worships God, but if it is tearing you away from God, or putting something up on a pedestal, then yes it is a form of worship. God tells us in the bible that we are to put no gods or idols before Him. He is a jealous God. He is jealous for His people. Isn’t that amazing that He loves each of us so much that He is jealous for our love? If we are allowing anything to come between us and God it becomes sin. If a person idolizes someone or something they are worshiping something/one other that God. We can allow anything in our lives to take precedence over God. Television, music, drugs, alcohol, sleep, food, friends, school, homework, and even work can take over our lives and tear us away from our Father.

-- Chelsea Matts

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